Team and leadership

Team and leadership content by madewithlove. Helping SaaS startups and scale-ups build teams and software. Welcome to our knowledge base.

127 posts
How do I know my team is productive when working from home?

How do I know my team is productive when working from home?

“How do I know my team is productive when working from home?” This must be the number one question I get when people ask me something about working remotely. I could tell them to install a camera that records the employee’s every movement, combined with a screen monitoring tool...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 4) — Distractions at home

The top struggles of remote workers (part 4) — Distractions at home

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 3) — Not being able to unplug

The top struggles of remote workers (part 3) — Not being able to unplug

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 2) — Loneliness

The top struggles of remote workers (part 2) — Loneliness

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 1) — Collaboration & communication

The top struggles of remote workers (part 1) — Collaboration & communication

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. This is part 1 of a series about the top struggles of remote workers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for...

Our tool shed — the tools we use when working remotely

Our tool shed — the tools we use when working remotely

These days working remotely is — sadly enough — a hot topic. A lot of people are confronted with working from home for the first time and are struggling with being productive. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the past 12 years and we hope by opening up our toolbox,...

Ask Me Anything with our CEO on working remote (from home)

Ask Me Anything with our CEO on working remote (from home)

Watch the recordings of our previous AMA sessions: ~ UPDATE – March 15th On popular demand, we are organising another session on Monday, March 16th at 5 pm CET. Same link to dial in: You can use this form to ask your question upfront. ~ At madewithlove, we...

My personal journey in IT

My personal journey in IT

“Why did I become a software engineer?”, people ask me. I doubt I would have chosen the software engineering career in the first place if I hadn’t seen it before in a familiar environment. One important role model I had was my father, a lawyer, an accountant, and an...

Keeping your team healthy and more productive using remote work

Keeping your team healthy and more productive using remote work

When managing any team, remote or not, one of your primary concerns as a manager is making sure your team can be as productive as possible by mitigating any risks that might affect their work. So when you’re considering remote work options, you might be worried about the possible...

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