
20 posts
Continuous integration and continuous deployment on mobile

Continuous integration and continuous deployment on mobile

Mobile app development i scomplex. Manual processes are error-prone and slow. CI/CD automates building, testing, and deploying apps, enhancing quality and speeding up releases. This guide explores CI/CD steps and tools for mobile apps.

Cookie-based authentication with Laravel Sanctum

Cookie-based authentication with Laravel Sanctum

This is a detailed step-by-step guide for setting up Laravel Sanctum with cookie-based authentication. It explains the logic behind each step and how to set up Postman. We also tackle the most common CORs issues.

PHP lied to me

PHP lied to me

We discuss the challenges of using PHPStan at its strictest level for type checking, particularly with 'mixed' types. It explores solutions like using strval() and creating custom functions, but ultimately, the author opts to lower PHPStan's strictness due to complexity, ending with mixed feelings.

Be boring

Be boring

In discussions with non-tech managers, buzzwords often mask understanding. My view: use tech pragmatically, focusing on proven tools. Innovation matters, but clarity and long-term stability are key. Managers should demystify tech jargon and ensure meaningful application.

What is the difference between hybrid, native, and cross-platform applications?

What is the difference between hybrid, native, and cross-platform applications?

Explore the distinctions and advantages of native, hybrid, and cross-platform mobile apps to make an informed choice for your business. Understand the impact on performance, user experience, security, and development costs to select the right technology stack for your mobile app project.

A field guide to modernizing your PHP project — how to avoid a rewrite through incremental development

A field guide to modernizing your PHP project — how to avoid a rewrite through incremental development

Sometimes the code really is unmaintainable and non-upgradeable. Other times, it might just be old and written in a technology that’s dated or deprecated. Learning how to work with legacy code is a skill in itself. Here’s our playbook for modernizing that old PHP project.

How AI will replace pair programming

How AI will replace pair programming

AI tools like GitHub CoPilot and ChatGPT enhance pair programming by catching mistakes and aiding debugging. They match human refactoring but lag in mentoring and knowledge transfer. Nevertheless, AI coding assistants are advancing, poised to replace human pairs, enhancing coding efficiency.

The Fediverse & the new era of social networks

The Fediverse & the new era of social networks

Discover the Fediverse, a decentralized social network challenging Facebook and Twitter. Built on ActivityPub, it offers independent content and diverse interaction. Choose an app and server to join, explore facets, customize, and contribute to its open-source future.

Setting up infrastructure using HashiCorp Terraform, Laravel Forge and Cloudflare

Setting up infrastructure using HashiCorp Terraform, Laravel Forge and Cloudflare

If you’ve used Terraform before and you want to jump to the meat of how to combine Terraform, Forge, and Cloudflare, jump to the paragraph titled “Combining Terraform, Forge, and Cloudflare“ Introduction I have recently joined a project which required a transition from existing infrastructure to a brand new...

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