Deployment frequency

7 posts
Continuous integration and continuous deployment on mobile

Continuous integration and continuous deployment on mobile

Mobile app development i scomplex. Manual processes are error-prone and slow. CI/CD automates building, testing, and deploying apps, enhancing quality and speeding up releases. This guide explores CI/CD steps and tools for mobile apps.

What to do when your team can't deploy continuously?

What to do when your team can't deploy continuously?

The software release journey is transformative. While CI/CD excels in fast-paced environments, it's not a universal fit. Discover alternatives to deploying continuously, balancing innovation with meticulous care.

A field guide to modernizing your PHP project — how to avoid a rewrite through incremental development

A field guide to modernizing your PHP project — how to avoid a rewrite through incremental development

Sometimes the code really is unmaintainable and non-upgradeable. Other times, it might just be old and written in a technology that’s dated or deprecated. Learning how to work with legacy code is a skill in itself. Here’s our playbook for modernizing that old PHP project.

Why is it good to deploy frequently

Why is it good to deploy frequently

Do you deploy every day? Your team probably should. Here's why.

The first days as a firefighting CTO — what to focus on when you are hired to lead a team in times of change

The first days as a firefighting CTO — what to focus on when you are hired to lead a team in times of change

At madewithlove, we join teams when things aren’t so stable. Maybe a key non-replaceable employee has left or a new investment is fueling growth. I join these companies as a CTO ad interim, someone to captain the ship through troubled waters. It’s hard at times since I’m...

I'm starting a greenfield project and I'm terrified.

I'm starting a greenfield project and I'm terrified.

I started a greenfield project this week. I knew it was coming after one of our product managers told me about it during lunch a couple of weeks ago. To be honest with you, I was terrified. I’ve been at madewithlove for a little over 4 years now, working...

Stop managing your releases before you start managing your releases

Stop managing your releases before you start managing your releases

It’s Friday afternoon. Do you deploy to production? A lot of teams are afraid to push their code to production before the weekend because something might go wrong that may impact their well-earned weekend. Today, I don’t want to dive too deep into how we can create enough...

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