Application and data architecture

26 posts
Continuous integration and continuous deployment on mobile

Continuous integration and continuous deployment on mobile

Mobile app development i scomplex. Manual processes are error-prone and slow. CI/CD automates building, testing, and deploying apps, enhancing quality and speeding up releases. This guide explores CI/CD steps and tools for mobile apps.

Backups. How much is enough?

Backups. How much is enough?

Google Cloud's data loss incident highlights the need for robust backups. Regular backups and storing snapshots are crucial. Practicing data restoration every 6-12 months ensures readiness. Adapt strategies as systems evolve to manage data loss risks effectively.

Tech debt & refactoring an old front-end codebase: a field manual

Tech debt & refactoring an old front-end codebase: a field manual

Improve your front-end project's performance and maintainability with our guide to refactoring a codebase. Learn about tackling technical debt, assessing your code, planning a strategy, and exploring refactoring techniques.

On migrations and manipulations

On migrations and manipulations

Sometimes we make mistakes. And sometimes we make mistakes in production. Data manipulations help you correct these mistakes without directly touching your production environment.

Gradually migrating between mail providers in Laravel

Gradually migrating between mail providers in Laravel

Migrate between two email providers in a Laravel project with ease of mind while maintaining control.

Why a microservice-based architecture isn't a holy grail

Why a microservice-based architecture isn't a holy grail

Microservices are a very popular architectural approach — maybe too popular! Here's why it might not be ideal for your organization.

Google Workspace SSO and automated user provisioning

Google Workspace SSO and automated user provisioning

One of the client projects I work on has larger, enterprise customers. Because of this, I needed to create a way for their users to sign into our application using single sign-on (SSO). To do that, we needed to automatically provision users in our system. This is something I wasn’...

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 2: running scripts

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 2: running scripts

In the previous article, we set up a monorepo project with 2 applications and a package. We also enabled Yarn workspaces to manage the dependencies and linking of the workspaces. One inconvenience so far was having to start 2 separate terminal windows to run the applications. This isn’t a...

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 1: managing dependencies and sharing code

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 1: managing dependencies and sharing code

I’ve really learned to love a good monorepo setup, a repository that contains multiple packages and/or applications. Being able to make changes across applications or packages in 1 pull request (PR), having the option to centralize and reuse code over applications, and unifying documentation and processes greatly simplifies...

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