Team and leadership

Team and leadership content by madewithlove. Helping SaaS startups and scale-ups build teams and software. Welcome to our knowledge base.

127 posts
Bridging experience gaps while pair programming

Bridging experience gaps while pair programming

Some weeks ago, I was doing a talk about how you can make pair programming effective and enjoyable. Everything went well until I got a question which I couldn’t directly answer. The questioner had some experience with pair programming and asked me how you can avoid getting frustrated when...

The responsible developer profile explained

The responsible developer profile explained

At madewithlove, we take much pride in our company values. They are ingrained in everything we do, from selecting customers to managing our work-life balance to hiring new candidates. To achieve these company values, we need all of our colleagues to be honest human beings who have a passion for...

On remote culture: the perspective of a Brazilian working for a Belgian remote first company

On remote culture: the perspective of a Brazilian working for a Belgian remote first company

A couple of months ago, I was invited by the university I graduated from to be one of the speakers in an event in my home country of Brazil. The main audience consisted of students and local developers. I wanted to create a talk for everyone and I knew there...

Guiding teams to a better way of working

Guiding teams to a better way of working

The following post will discuss how you can guide a team to a better way of working. Important side note: this post assumes that the team, and by extension the organization you’re working for are open to your help and have a healthy organizational culture. Be aware of situations...

Team retreat 2018 - Greece: Why madewithlove retreats once a year

Team retreat 2018 - Greece: Why madewithlove retreats once a year

“I’ll have another mojito, thanks Andreas”. On that exact moment in my hammock at the beach bar in Kos – a deserted, windy but mostly sunny island in Greece – while looking at a few of my brand new colleagues diving into the swimming pool under a setting golden sun, I...

How efficient is pair programming? Will it work on your team?

How efficient is pair programming? Will it work on your team?

It is quite easy to see pair programming as using double the resources for writing the same piece of code. If wrongly applied, this might even be the case, so why do experienced pair programmers feel like it is more efficient than working on their own? Let’s take a...

Company benefits in 2019 at madewithlove

Company benefits in 2019 at madewithlove

Back in 2016, we wrote about our company benefits for the first time. With being honest as one of our fundamental company values and the impact of employee benefits on happiness, we don’t see a reason in keeping them secretive. Here is a detailed and updated look at the...

What if... you're the only non-tech guy in a tech company

What if... you're the only non-tech guy in a tech company

For the record: I started writing this blog post laying next to a nice blue pool. The pool and the rest of the quite amazing resort is situated in Kos, Greece. Together with the rest of the company, I was enjoying the retreat that madewithlove organises each year for its...

Re-evaluating the need for estimates

Re-evaluating the need for estimates

In an ever-changing industry, it’s important to constantly keep re-evaluating your own methods and processes. Do they still serve the needs of today? Are you trying to solve yesterday’s problem? Are you setting yourself up to tackle tomorrow’s biggest issue head first, or are you digging yourself...

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