Building teams, crafting code,
making impact.

How do I know my team is productive when working from home?

How do I know my team is productive when working from home?

“How do I know my team is productive when working from home?” This must be the number one question I get when people ask me something about working remotely. I could tell them to install a camera that records the employee’s every movement, combined with a screen monitoring tool...

Introduction to Inertia.JS

Introduction to Inertia.JS

Recently, one of the most trendy stacks is the JAMStack, which was popularized by Netlify. It’s mainly SPAs but committed to supporting statically generated sites which means no backend, a bit of JS that consumes APIs, and some HTML (I’m overly simplifying here). Regular SPAs can have a...

Grandfathering in legacy

Grandfathering in legacy

So many problems in legacy or brownfield applications stem from invalid state being dragged around throughout the whole application and causing a bug somewhere far away from its origin or just dying a silent death. I’d like to introduce you to a method to handle invalid state in new...

Due diligence in the age of social distancing

Due diligence in the age of social distancing

A big part of closing a new investment round is the technical due diligence report that informs all parties involved of the current state of technology and the engineering team. Usually, a contracted team arrives to interview and analyze a codebase, determine weaknesses, and create a briefing that communicates their...

Follow these 4 steps to take your debugging skills to the next level

Follow these 4 steps to take your debugging skills to the next level

The date is September 9, 1947. U.S. Navy officer Grace Hopper is working on a Harvard Mark II computer when she notices that it is consistently delivering errors. After checking for obvious problems, she decides to open the computer with the help of some coworkers. Much to their surprise,...

What we talk about when we talk about testing

What we talk about when we talk about testing

Imagine if airplane companies never tested their airplanes. They just ship them when they’re done. Would you feel safe boarding a plane like that? Fortunately, airplanes are not built like that. Flying is statistically the safest way of transportation and there are strict regulations and tests airplanes must abide...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 4) — Distractions at home

The top struggles of remote workers (part 4) — Distractions at home

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 3) — Not being able to unplug

The top struggles of remote workers (part 3) — Not being able to unplug

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards...

The top struggles of remote workers (part 2) — Loneliness

The top struggles of remote workers (part 2) — Loneliness

Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers. At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards...

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Even ETL needs a roadmap

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