
169 posts
Building an SDK with PHP: Part 1

Building an SDK with PHP: Part 1

Whether you’ve built a private or public-facing API, at some point you or your users are going to want to communicate with it. To make things easier you might want to open-source an SDK that other developers can install. In this article we’ll take a look at how...

Get rid of ports in your docker development setup with Traefik

Get rid of ports in your docker development setup with Traefik

Reading tip: Learn how to run an ssh tunnel in your docker based development environment to easily connect to mysql or other non-http services. When working in a Docker-based development environment, you usually map the ports of your existing Docker container (port mapping or docker port forwarding) to a port...

Cypress or how I learned to stop worrying and love E2E

Cypress or how I learned to stop worrying and love E2E

Over my career I’ve dabbled in various forms of testing, both on the backend and front-end. I’ve tried various frameworks and experimented with different approaches, types of tests, and philosophies. From unit tests to Gherkin behaviour tests to E2E tests with Selenium in the good ol’ days, I’...

Help, I’m creating a file upload

Help, I’m creating a file upload

Every software engineer has at some point in their career been asked to build a file upload. Perhaps it was to let a user upload an avatar, to import a bunch of contacts into a CRM, or to attach images or legal documents to a real estate property. On the...

The Ultimate Startup Due Diligence Checklist for Investments - 2025

The Ultimate Startup Due Diligence Checklist for Investments - 2025

What is due diligence or a technical audit The goal of due diligence is simple: figure out the hidden secrets of the target company that may hurt its value or even kill the deal. But that’s a massive challenge. For investments into technical companies, there is an added challenge....

Creating a Scientific Pitch Notation Type using template literal types

Creating a Scientific Pitch Notation Type using template literal types

Ok. So. The honeymoon phase is over. I can say TypeScript is steadily becoming a part of my daily stack. While working on converting music-fns from Flow to TypeScript I bumped into a feature I didn’t know existed. But first, a little bit of context. music-fns is a utility...

12 Factors in the era of containers

12 Factors in the era of containers

The 12factor manifest is a set of guidelines to help us build SaaS applications that can easily be operated and scaled without much effort. It was originally put together by the folks at Heroku and is as relevant today as it was when it was published in 2011. Heroku uses...

Why tech startups fail - based on auditing 50+ SaaS startups

Why tech startups fail - based on auditing 50+ SaaS startups

I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic that 9 out of 10 startups fail. How can you win against such odds? Is there a secret startup handbook to read or an investment due diligence checklist to follow? Madewithlove has audited over 50 companies, usually as part of an investment...

Querying your Redux store with GraphQL

Querying your Redux store with GraphQL

Rationale I love React and I love Redux, but one of the things I struggle with a lot is how complicated the latter can make codebases. You add it and look away for five seconds and suddenly it’s all boilerplate and wiring code, sometimes to do very simple things....

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