Building teams, crafting code,
making impact.

Immutability with immer

Immutability with immer

Why immutability? When working on a React application that needs to handle state, one of the main pitfalls to watch out for is accidental mutations. This is fancy talk for mistakenly modifying stuff you didn’t want to change: let user = { name: "foo" }; let updated = user;

What if... you're the only non-tech guy in a tech company

What if... you're the only non-tech guy in a tech company

For the record: I started writing this blog post laying next to a nice blue pool. The pool and the rest of the quite amazing resort is situated in Kos, Greece. Together with the rest of the company, I was enjoying the retreat that madewithlove organises each year for its...

Using Prettier in PHP

Using Prettier in PHP

What is Prettier? Originally from the Javascript ecosystem, Prettier is a code formatter which means it takes your code and makes it – as its name suggests – prettier. There are code formatters for many languages; even Javascript has quite a few of them. Prettier, however, is currently one of the most...

Re-evaluating the need for estimates

Re-evaluating the need for estimates

In an ever-changing industry, it’s important to constantly keep re-evaluating your own methods and processes. Do they still serve the needs of today? Are you trying to solve yesterday’s problem? Are you setting yourself up to tackle tomorrow’s biggest issue head first, or are you digging yourself...

How to keep pair programming digestible

How to keep pair programming digestible

Most software engineers are aware of the fact that pair programming can have some huge advantages. It’s one of the most efficient ways to share knowledge, it gives you an almost instant feedback loop, and it results in higher quality, less error-prone code. Pair programming can be draining though....

Kubernetes 101 - explaining the basics while running a Laravel application with Redis and MySQL.

Kubernetes 101 - explaining the basics while running a Laravel application with Redis and MySQL.

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, seems to be getting quite some attention these days in the container orchestration world. It even got some attention from Docker Inc. itself a while back, despite the fact that they have their own container management tool called Docker Swarm (and it’s as good...

The Minimum Viable Product is not so minimum anymore

The Minimum Viable Product is not so minimum anymore

For the last decade every tech firm and aspiring app developer out there could count on the durability of one crucial structural dynamic in the market that affected everything from development timeline, to the go-to-market strategy, to the fundraising plan: The Minimum Viable Product, or MVP. It was an article...

Firebase and Redux Saga can be friends

Firebase and Redux Saga can be friends

What’s this Firebase thingy? You might have heard about Firebase, a real-time database that stores data as JSON object and was acquired by Google in October of 2014 and became a unified platform for mobile apps.  This article will tell you a bit more on how to move Firebase...

Refactoring towards testability

Refactoring towards testability

When working on a legacy codebase, you often have to make changes in code you don’t fully understand. When this code is not tested, you’re never sure that it will still work after adapting it. And will it have unexpected effects on other parts of the codebase? As...

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How to build roadmaps that can be used by engineering and product teams

How to build roadmaps that can be used by engineering and product teams

Introducing URL: The Zero-Dependency, Framework-Agnostic State Manager

Introducing URL: The Zero-Dependency, Framework-Agnostic State Manager

A company's first steps in AI

A company's first steps in AI

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