Building teams, crafting code,
making impact.

Merging 4 codebases with help of Rector

Merging 4 codebases with help of Rector

The set up When developing software, you sometimes come up with ideas that in the end don’t really work out. Depending on the idea and on the time spent finding out it’s a bad idea, it can be challenging to turn back the changes. One of those ideas...

Facilitating my first event storm

Facilitating my first event storm

I’ve very recently passed a personal milestone in my career. I facilitated my first ever event storm. As with most things you haven’t done before, doing them the first time is a good opportunity to learn. In preparation, I was reading as much as I could on event...

Improving Docker performance for macOS

Improving Docker performance for macOS

One of the most important things when starting to work on a project is to set up a local development environment. For me, this should have the following requirements: * Easy to install, preferably a one-click/command solution * Reproducible across multiple host machines, by everyone in the team Very often, our...

Adding temporary code

Adding temporary code

We all had to do it at some point. We’ve all been in the situation where we needed to add some code — maybe a CLI command — just for a one-off operation. Or maybe the code would be needed just for the next month. We promise ourselves to get back...

Laravel's Polymorphic relationships and Polymorphism

Laravel's Polymorphic relationships and Polymorphism

As many of you know Laravel provides a concept for dealing with Polymorphism in Eloquent relationships called “Polymorphic Relationships“. It’s a nice abstraction, but if you are not careful it might lead to a lot of type checking at runtime all over the place. There’s nothing wrong with...

Effectively using Facades and Hexagonal Architecture to separate bounded contexts

Effectively using Facades and Hexagonal Architecture to separate bounded contexts

Separating your bounded contexts A challenge when implementing bounded contexts is managing the dependencies between them. We always aim to make bounded contexts as independent as possible, but making them completely independent is impossible and unwanted. Software tends to be useful only when the different parts talk to each other....

​​Most common challenges faced by startups in 2024

​​Most common challenges faced by startups in 2024

It’s pretty evident that a startup in 2024 faces unique challenges that just haven’t existed in other years. Every entrepreneur knows that they will encounter difficult circumstances, clients, and people. It takes determination to scale a startup. We've seen this after auditing over 100 startups throughout...

Deploying distributed web application - Laravel queued jobs

Deploying distributed web application - Laravel queued jobs

If you have a really simple PHP application that you deploy to a single server, deploying it basically boils down to transferring the source code to the server, one way or another. Maybe you also clear OPcache, if you have it enabled. If your application is more complex and constitutes...

Structuring your labels for maximum efficiency in a Laravel application

Structuring your labels for maximum efficiency in a Laravel application

If you’ve ever watched a TV show like “Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” or similar then you’re probably aware of how important it is to label your food when you store it in a freezer. You might be wondering how this relates to software development? Just like food, forms...

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How to build roadmaps that can be used by engineering and product teams

How to build roadmaps that can be used by engineering and product teams

Introducing URL: The Zero-Dependency, Framework-Agnostic State Manager

Introducing URL: The Zero-Dependency, Framework-Agnostic State Manager

A company's first steps in AI

A company's first steps in AI

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