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Software engineer
from Belgium

This former teacher likes all things front-end (the more complex web apps get, the happier Geoffrey becomes). His weak spot? JavaScript & all its quirks

Nor is he afraid to experiment a little with Node.js. Geoffrey used to be in a post-punk/noise rock band and a couple of one-off noise bands, in the process he started building a +1,000 record collection.

If you could go back in history what event would you love to experience?
The day the first bitcoins were created. Well, not really the ‘creation' itself, more the timing side. I can also think of a couple of iconic concerts: Sex Pistols in Manchester, Exploding Plastic Inevitable, Joy Division at The Factory, almost every concert at CBGB (Talking Heads, Television, DNA, and Mars). Yeah, I was born in the wrong decade :-).

We all love technology. But if you weren't working in it, what would you be doing?
I see myself opening a record store, where I could spend my time talking about obscure music while drinking coffee. Or buying a plot of land, so I could create a fancy giant vegetable garden for chefs.

madewithlove software engineers

About Geoffrey

  • Base: Lievegem (BE)

  • Studies: Multimedia and Communication Technology, MCT Kortrijk

  • Passions: Creating & collecting music, proud season ticket owner of KAA Gent football club

madewithlove software engineers


  • JavaScript

  • React

  • HTML

  • CSS

Articles by Geoffrey

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