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CTO in residence
from Belgium

Peter, who stands at a height of 194cm (6"4), could have played in the NBA but chose to follow his true passion and became a software developer.

Starting out as a software developer, in the course of the years he helped develop software in all kinds of domains: from steel factories to speed pedelecs. These days he is a CTO and adheres to these clichés: showing up is half the battle, one small step at a time and not choosing is still a choice. In his free time you can find him on the basketball court or DIYing smart home projects. Although the DIY sometimes becomes DIWHY...

What is the best advice you would give to someone just starting out in your field?
Don't hold back asking questions even if they feel obvious or dumb. Somebody else is thinking them anyway but is too embarrassed to bring them up.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Getting my kids to listen the first time when I ask them to do something. ;-)

madewithlove software engineers

About Peter

  • Base: Antwerp (BE)

  • Studies: Bachelor Applied Computer Science

  • Passions: Basketball, maker projects, plants

madewithlove software engineers


  • Coaching

  • Technical leadership

  • Software architecture

  • Boy scout rule

Articles by Peter

Some of Peter's colleagues


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from Belgium

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Automation Engineer
from Earth (for now)

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Software engineer
from Belgium

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