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from Belgium

One of the oldest, most grey hair, tallest… These superlatives may bring a smile to your face, but somebody has to keep this bunch of young dogs in check.

Tim ensures that madewithlove is and remains a cool and fun place to work, that clients and suppliers are kept happy, and everything is legally in order. In short, that management too can have dreams instead of nightmares.

Do you have a second job/hobby?
No, I don't. It's still a struggle to manage my one job alongside having a healthy family and social life. Raising kids has taught me patience though, which is always useful in work life.

What's your favourite breakfast cereal?
Special K dark chocolate or cold home-cooked oatmeal porridge with fresh fruit!

madewithlove software engineers

About Tim

  • Base: Herent (BE)

  • Studies: Communication Sciences, KU Leuven

  • Passions: volleyball, travelling, soccer dad

Articles by Tim

Some of Tim's colleagues


Software engineer
from Belgium

Picture of Jonas Drieghe


Software engineer
from Belgium

Picture of Luc Wollants


Software engineer
from United Kingdom

Picture of Emma Williams


Software engineer
from Belgium

Picture of Bram Devries


Software engineer
from Nigeria

Picture of Oluwaseyi Samuel Adeogun


CTO in residence
from Belgium

Picture of Christophe Thelen


CTO in residence
from Belgium

Picture of Mike Veerman


CTO in residence
from Ireland

Picture of Clive Foley


Software engineer
from Belgium

Picture of Peter Packet

See all our pretty faces

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