
Software engineer
from Belgium 🇧🇪

Peter is an experienced software developer from Belgium

As an amateur home renovator and father of a 4-year old, his life is already chaotic enough. That's why he will always try to keep his code as clean as possible.

What is your favorite color and why?
Appleblueseagreen. I love it because of the name. I don't think it exists outside of Dutch (or even Flemish) and it makes absolutely no sense. It's my favourite kind of humour. Also, I just couldn't pick between blue and green.

What is one big lesson you learned out of COVID-19
The importance of good communication. Communicate often enough, but not too often. Communicate clearly and unambiguously. Be transparent and honest in your communication. Don't be afraid to say you were wrong before. It's not about you, but about the goal you're trying to achieve together.

madewithlove software engineers

About Peter

  • Base: Kampenhout (BE)

  • Studies: Bachelor Informatica (KULeuven)

  • Passions: renovating, indoor soccer

madewithlove software engineers


  • PHP

  • OOP

  • DDD

  • CQRS

Articles by Peter

Then it clicked: 3 things that helped me manage stress and anxiety when becoming a squad lead

Team and leadership

Psychological safety


Learn how to navigate the challenges of becoming a squad leader as an introverted senior engineer. Discover strategies for effective 1-1s. Overcome the anxiety of leadership by focusing on clarity, communication and creating an inclusive atmosphere where your team can thrive.

Why you don't need estimates

Read 150+ more articles

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