Technical Tutorials

49 posts
Building an SDK with PHP: Part 1

Building an SDK with PHP: Part 1

Whether you’ve built a private or public-facing API, at some point you or your users are going to want to communicate with it. To make things easier you might want to open-source an SDK that other developers can install. In this article we’ll take a look at how...

Get rid of ports in your docker development setup with Traefik

Get rid of ports in your docker development setup with Traefik

Reading tip: Learn how to run an ssh tunnel in your docker based development environment to easily connect to mysql or other non-http services. When working in a Docker-based development environment, you usually map the ports of your existing Docker container (port mapping or docker port forwarding) to a port...

Querying your Redux store with GraphQL

Querying your Redux store with GraphQL

Rationale I love React and I love Redux, but one of the things I struggle with a lot is how complicated the latter can make codebases. You add it and look away for five seconds and suddenly it’s all boilerplate and wiring code, sometimes to do very simple things....

Serverless functions with Vercel

Serverless functions with Vercel

As you (might) know, our current website is built on Gatsby. I love the fact we’re generating a super cacheable, fully static site with every build, but this adds a couple of limitations. One of the limitations of this setup is having no backend (I know that sounds funny)...

Introduction to Inertia.JS

Introduction to Inertia.JS

Recently, one of the most trendy stacks is the JAMStack, which was popularized by Netlify. It’s mainly SPAs but committed to supporting statically generated sites which means no backend, a bit of JS that consumes APIs, and some HTML (I’m overly simplifying here). Regular SPAs can have a...

A nice app on Elm street

A nice app on Elm street


How to integrate Elasticsearch in your Laravel App - 2024

How to integrate Elasticsearch in your Laravel App - 2024

Integrating Elasticsearch with Laravel enhances search capabilities beyond simple LIKE matches. This guide covers Elasticsearch basics, setting up a local environment with Docker, creating a demo application, and implementing Elasticsearch integration using observers and repositories.

Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

As an author of (open source) packages, I think you have the responsibility to protect the bundle size of your package consumer. When you publish a package that exports a whole range of modules (for example lodash, ramda, date-fns…) you want to make sure the package is exported in such...

Using MySQL for Testing (on Laravel)

Using MySQL for Testing (on Laravel)

We have a really good testing culture at madewithlove and, in one of the projects I am working on, we have a decent suite of tests. A big chunk of these tests are Feature Tests. In this article, I’ll describe the process of switching a project’s test suite...

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