Technical Tutorials

50 posts
On migrations and manipulations

On migrations and manipulations

Sometimes we make mistakes. And sometimes we make mistakes in production. Data manipulations help you correct these mistakes without directly touching your production environment.

Gradually migrating between mail providers in Laravel

Gradually migrating between mail providers in Laravel

Migrate between two email providers in a Laravel project with ease of mind while maintaining control.

Setting up infrastructure using HashiCorp Terraform, Laravel Forge and Cloudflare

Setting up infrastructure using HashiCorp Terraform, Laravel Forge and Cloudflare

DigitalOcean | Cloud Infrastructure for DevelopersAn ocean of simple, scalable cloud solutions.Cloud Infrastructure for DevelopersDave McCarthyResearch Vice President, IDC If you’ve used Terraform before and you want to jump to the meat of how to combine Terraform, Forge, and Cloudflare, jump to the paragraph titled “Combining Terraform, Forge, and...

Using an SSH tunnel to connect to your dev MySQL with Docker

Using an SSH tunnel to connect to your dev MySQL with Docker

About a year ago, I wrote about managing your ports with Traefik in your local development environment. That blog post described how to set up the Traefik proxy and route all your traffic to the correct container without having to rely on the ports exposed by your container. This can...

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 2: running scripts

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 2: running scripts

In the previous article, we set up a monorepo project with 2 applications and a package. We also enabled Yarn workspaces to manage the dependencies and linking of the workspaces. One inconvenience so far was having to start 2 separate terminal windows to run the applications. This isn’t a...

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 1: managing dependencies and sharing code

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 1: managing dependencies and sharing code

I’ve really learned to love a good monorepo setup, a repository that contains multiple packages and/or applications. Being able to make changes across applications or packages in 1 pull request (PR), having the option to centralize and reuse code over applications, and unifying documentation and processes greatly simplifies...

The easiest production-ready image to run your Laravel application

The easiest production-ready image to run your Laravel application

It’s no secret that we are big fans of Docker during our daily development work. It’s still one of the easiest ways to ensure a common working environment when developing locally and avoid the “It works on my machine” arguments. Even Laravel ships with a default Docker-based environment...

Running PHPUnit with PHPStorm

Running PHPUnit with PHPStorm

When writing tests, I often find myself switching between the IDE and terminal windows to actually run the tests. On projects with very large test suites this would often lead to situations where I’d spend time waiting for all the tests to finish. I’d get distracted with something...

Building an SDK with PHP, part 3: Making it testable

Building an SDK with PHP, part 3: Making it testable

This post is part 3 of the “Building an SDK with PHP” series. Read Part 1 and Part 2 In our last article we’ve looked at how we can make our SDK configurable and today we’ll apply this to cover our SDK with several unit tests. What should...

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