Building teams, crafting code,
making impact.

One job, many roles. The different skills needed to be a successful CTO

One job, many roles. The different skills needed to be a successful CTO

Some time ago I came across this article on Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge blog about when founding CEOs need to go. It’s from 2005, but it is still just as relevant now. The main takeaway is that you need differently skilled people at the helm in different...

Makefiles for automation and better dev-UI

Makefiles for automation and better dev-UI

As our projects grow in complexity, the list of tools they require also grows and remembering how to use all of them (with their different syntaxes) can become cumbersome. On top of that, some tasks require multiple steps and tools to be run sequentially. We can create our own aliases...

The hidden complexities of search

The hidden complexities of search

Search is one of those life-changing innovations that we started taking for granted. Companies like Google make it seem so easy to search and find whatever you are looking for in a heartbeat. However, it takes a lot of effort and thought to design and build the right search algorithm...

Someone's got a case of the Mondays

Someone's got a case of the Mondays

I hate Mondays. The theory is that if you hate Mondays you should change your job. And if you do that but find yourself hating your job again recently after joining a new company, well then it’s time for a new career. I got tripped up during a job...

Work well-being

Work well-being

If you spend most of your day working in front of a desk you need to pay attention to your environment to prevent illnesses and injuries. It goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle and good habits. How is your work well-being? The purpose of this article is to...

Pair programming as a newbie and the fear of judgment

Pair programming as a newbie and the fear of judgment

I’m new to pair programming. While the concept of pair programming is certainly not new to me (see among many, “The Clean Coder” by Robert C. Martin), I admit I previously did not have many opportunities to actually pair. It was either foreign to others or they just “didn’...

Bridging experience gaps while pair programming

Bridging experience gaps while pair programming

Some weeks ago, I was doing a talk about how you can make pair programming effective and enjoyable. Everything went well until I got a question which I couldn’t directly answer. The questioner had some experience with pair programming and asked me how you can avoid getting frustrated when...

The responsible developer profile explained

The responsible developer profile explained

At madewithlove, we take much pride in our company values. They are ingrained in everything we do, from selecting customers to managing our work-life balance to hiring new candidates. To achieve these company values, we need all of our colleagues to be honest human beings who have a passion for...

On remote culture: the perspective of a Brazilian working for a Belgian remote first company

On remote culture: the perspective of a Brazilian working for a Belgian remote first company

A couple of months ago, I was invited by the university I graduated from to be one of the speakers in an event in my home country of Brazil. The main audience consisted of students and local developers. I wanted to create a talk for everyone and I knew there...

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When to hire senior developers vs. juniors - the perfect team composition

Finding your North Star Metric

Finding your North Star Metric

Startups don't need corporate culture

Startups don't need corporate culture

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