Building teams, crafting code,
making impact.

Pair programming as a newbie and the fear of judgment

Pair programming as a newbie and the fear of judgment

I’m new to pair programming. While the concept of pair programming is certainly not new to me (see among many, “The Clean Coder” by Robert C. Martin), I admit I previously did not have many opportunities to actually pair. It was either foreign to others or they just “didn’...

Bridging experience gaps while pair programming

Bridging experience gaps while pair programming

Some weeks ago, I was doing a talk about how you can make pair programming effective and enjoyable. Everything went well until I got a question which I couldn’t directly answer. The questioner had some experience with pair programming and asked me how you can avoid getting frustrated when...

The responsible developer profile explained

The responsible developer profile explained

At madewithlove, we take much pride in our company values. They are ingrained in everything we do, from selecting customers to managing our work-life balance to hiring new candidates. To achieve these company values, we need all of our colleagues to be honest human beings who have a passion for...

On remote culture: the perspective of a Brazilian working for a Belgian remote first company

On remote culture: the perspective of a Brazilian working for a Belgian remote first company

A couple of months ago, I was invited by the university I graduated from to be one of the speakers in an event in my home country of Brazil. The main audience consisted of students and local developers. I wanted to create a talk for everyone and I knew there...

Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

As an author of (open source) packages, I think you have the responsibility to protect the bundle size of your package consumer. When you publish a package that exports a whole range of modules (for example lodash, ramda, date-fns…) you want to make sure the package is exported in such...

Liskov Substitution Principle Explained

Liskov Substitution Principle Explained

The Liskov Substitution Principle is one of the five design principles that make for SOLID code, and probably one of the hardest to fully grasp. Before we dive into how we can apply it to our code, let’s take a look at the definition: In a computer program, if...

Improving companies by sharing stories and cauliflower risotto at our first CTO dinner

Improving companies by sharing stories and cauliflower risotto at our first CTO dinner

At madewithlove, we believe humans matter. Being a well-rounded engineer is not only about processes, quality code, or technical choices. There are no universal theories, no magic solutions, and no shortcuts. So how do you know if you are doing well? How do you learn? You organise a dinner. We...

Chrome alternatives for devs

Chrome alternatives for devs

What’s up with Chrome? Recently Google has been in the headlines a lot due to an upcoming change affecting Chrome, but the gist of it is the following: The proposed design changes would replace the API relied upon by privacy extensions like uBlock and Ghostery with another designed to...

Using MySQL for Testing (on Laravel)

Using MySQL for Testing (on Laravel)

We have a really good testing culture at madewithlove and, in one of the projects I am working on, we have a decent suite of tests. A big chunk of these tests are Feature Tests. In this article, I’ll describe the process of switching a project’s test suite...

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Building the dream team for an AI startup

How to stop depending on that one developer

How to stop depending on that one developer

Even ETL needs a roadmap

Even ETL needs a roadmap

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