Building teams, crafting code,
making impact.

Running PHPUnit with PHPStorm

Running PHPUnit with PHPStorm

When writing tests, I often find myself switching between the IDE and terminal windows to actually run the tests. On projects with very large test suites this would often lead to situations where I’d spend time waiting for all the tests to finish. I’d get distracted with something...

Why remote is the new workplace - 2022

Why remote is the new workplace - 2022

Since the pandemic began, we all have experienced the pleasures and pains of remote working. Fully remote jobs have become so increasingly popular with job seekers that some of them are even willing to pay for job boards that only allow fully remote job postings. However, some companies are still...

The smelly approach to structuring your startup

The smelly approach to structuring your startup

Did you know that Skunk Works has a set of rules laid down by its founder? If you aren’t familiar with Skunk Works, it’s a division of Lockheed Martin focusing on rapid completion of impossible projects, moonshots. The founder, Kelly Johnson, has recorded the axioms. Here’s what...

Improving performance and reliability of client's core business component using a simple running total

Improving performance and reliability of client's core business component using a simple running total

A client project I work on required some processing, scheduled nightly at 2am. I’m a curious creature, by nature, so I was eager to learn what keeps the queues busy for up to 30 minutes in the middle of the night. It must have been something important! The business...

Why startups gain an advantage in the war for talent by hiring and working remotely

Why startups gain an advantage in the war for talent by hiring and working remotely

Recruitment was not the easiest business to work in during the first year of the pandemic. The first things that come to mind when thinking about how COVID-19 affected the economy are massive layoffs in various economic sectors, small businesses closing down, and a lot of uncertainty in general. A...

Performance tips for Laravel

Performance tips for Laravel

Recently, we were looking into some Laravel PHP8 performance issues we were experiencing on one screen of a web application. This screen would show an aggregation of several statistics across the application and would include things like: * The total number of tickets, grouped by their status (open, closed, …) * The total...

Merging 4 codebases with help of Rector

Merging 4 codebases with help of Rector

The set up When developing software, you sometimes come up with ideas that in the end don’t really work out. Depending on the idea and on the time spent finding out it’s a bad idea, it can be challenging to turn back the changes. One of those ideas...

Facilitating my first event storm

Facilitating my first event storm

I’ve very recently passed a personal milestone in my career. I facilitated my first ever event storm. As with most things you haven’t done before, doing them the first time is a good opportunity to learn. In preparation, I was reading as much as I could on event...

Improving Docker performance for macOS

Improving Docker performance for macOS

One of the most important things when starting to work on a project is to set up a local development environment. For me, this should have the following requirements: * Easy to install, preferably a one-click/command solution * Reproducible across multiple host machines, by everyone in the team Very often, our...

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Taming a Python: don't let the snake bite

Taming a Python: don't let the snake bite

There is a time and place for everything: managed services vs DIY

There is a time and place for everything: managed services vs DIY

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