
169 posts
It’s here: Free Range Management, the book

It’s here: Free Range Management, the book

Create space so your team can thrive. You must create space for knowledge workers to do their best work. But how do you do that? Welcome to Free Range Management. Free Range Management can be summed up in two words: create space. The trick is doing that in a way...

Logging non-Laravel queries to Telescope

Logging non-Laravel queries to Telescope

One of the legacy projects we are dealing with is using old-school mysqli queries all over the place. We have wrapped the application in a Laravel shell, we’ll write about this in another post soon. One of the major complaints from the customer was the speed of the application....

Setting up infrastructure using HashiCorp Terraform, Laravel Forge and Cloudflare

Setting up infrastructure using HashiCorp Terraform, Laravel Forge and Cloudflare

DigitalOcean | Cloud Infrastructure for DevelopersAn ocean of simple, scalable cloud solutions.Cloud Infrastructure for DevelopersDave McCarthyResearch Vice President, IDC If you’ve used Terraform before and you want to jump to the meat of how to combine Terraform, Forge, and Cloudflare, jump to the paragraph titled “Combining Terraform, Forge, and...

Using an SSH tunnel to connect to your dev MySQL with Docker

Using an SSH tunnel to connect to your dev MySQL with Docker

About a year ago, I wrote about managing your ports with Traefik in your local development environment. That blog post described how to set up the Traefik proxy and route all your traffic to the correct container without having to rely on the ports exposed by your container. This can...

On Technical debt - What is it, how is it created, what types of technical debt are there, how to avoid tech debt, and how to fix it?

On Technical debt - What is it, how is it created, what types of technical debt are there, how to avoid tech debt, and how to fix it?

What is technical debt? How can you fix technical debt and what is the best approach to avoid technical debt?

Fixing cookiebot bug by not fixing cookiebot

Fixing cookiebot bug by not fixing cookiebot

I want to start with a small disclaimer that I don’t fully understand what exactly went wrong and why the things we did fixed the problem. I’m pretty sure I would be able to find out by staring long enough at very complex code, but at some point,...

Google Workspace SSO and automated user provisioning

Google Workspace SSO and automated user provisioning

One of the client projects I work on has larger, enterprise customers. Because of this, I needed to create a way for their users to sign into our application using single sign-on (SSO). To do that, we needed to automatically provision users in our system. This is something I wasn’...

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 2: running scripts

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 2: running scripts

In the previous article, we set up a monorepo project with 2 applications and a package. We also enabled Yarn workspaces to manage the dependencies and linking of the workspaces. One inconvenience so far was having to start 2 separate terminal windows to run the applications. This isn’t a...

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 1: managing dependencies and sharing code

Modern front-end monorepos — Part 1: managing dependencies and sharing code

I’ve really learned to love a good monorepo setup, a repository that contains multiple packages and/or applications. Being able to make changes across applications or packages in 1 pull request (PR), having the option to centralize and reuse code over applications, and unifying documentation and processes greatly simplifies...

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