Buffer and AngelList researched the state of remote work for 2020. From their results, they identified multiple key struggles of remote workers. We decided to provide some answers.
At madewithlove, we have been working remotely for the last decade and we are happy to help our clients with shifting towards a remote-friendly era. We strongly believe that the remote mindset is valuable for any company, even for the non-remote companies. Yet, we noticed some people are still hesitant about making the switch. That’s why we’ve decided to create this series about the strugglers of remote workers.

This is part 3 of a series about the top struggles of remote workers. We asked our team how they unplug after work. Here’s what they said:

I separate accounts in Chrome and use the right one in the right context. —  Vincent Van Grootel

Creating separate users or browser profiles is an excellent way to disconnect after a day of work. This forces you to put work away mentally and physically. You won’t see a late email or one more thing that you have to do.

Walking, running! — Andreas Creten

Changing your environment causes you to mentally shift to other things. By getting outside, seeing the sun, and exercising a bit, you can put the workday away. Make it a habit by scheduling an event, meet someone at the gym, adopting a cute pup, or using an app to track progress. External motivators will help you keep a consistent schedule.

I try to unplug by cooking food. — Bram Devries

Everyone has to eat! By planning a more elaborate meal, you will need to make time for preparation. This means closing the laptop, cleaning up the kitchen, and getting to work. And what’s your reward for the effort? Hopefully something delicious. It helps to have a Slack channel where your team can share recipes.

I hope these tips helped. Our next post is on Distractions at home.

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