
19 posts
Gatsby and the new era of site generators

Gatsby and the new era of site generators

Why Gatsby? One of the greatest aspects of modern web development is how modular and composable everything has become. Building an application these days has become a lot like tinkering with building blocks: piecing together packages, APIs, services and so on. Each doing what they do best. We’ve learned...

A nice app on Elm street

A nice app on Elm street


Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

As an author of (open source) packages, I think you have the responsibility to protect the bundle size of your package consumer. When you publish a package that exports a whole range of modules (for example lodash, ramda, date-fns…) you want to make sure the package is exported in such...

Creating a declarative oscillator component with React hooks.

Creating a declarative oscillator component with React hooks.

Most developers are familiar with the concept of imperative and declarative programming.  Imperative programming is when you provide the program with the exact steps to achieve the output with an emphasis on how.  Declarative programming is a coding style where you focus on what the piece should achieve with less...

Immutability with immer

Immutability with immer

Why immutability? When working on a React application that needs to handle state, one of the main pitfalls to watch out for is accidental mutations. This is fancy talk for mistakenly modifying stuff you didn’t want to change: let user = { name: "foo" }; let updated = user;

Firebase and Redux Saga can be friends

Firebase and Redux Saga can be friends

What’s this Firebase thingy? You might have heard about Firebase, a real-time database that stores data as JSON object and was acquired by Google in October of 2014 and became a unified platform for mobile apps.  This article will tell you a bit more on how to move Firebase...

Managing data flow on the client-side

Managing data flow on the client-side

I like to think of client-side applications as empty shells that get populated with data and where the source of that data can be anything: an object in your javascript code, an HTTP request, a JSON file, … Making sure this data flows correctly through your application is one hell of...

Webpack your bags

Webpack your bags

Hello My title Click me...

JSday Maceio 2015 recap

JSday Maceio 2015 recap

We have tons of conferences in Brazil related to web technologies. BrazilJS is far the most incredible one, and it relies heavily on JavaScript. Yearly thousands of JavaScript enthusiasts and developers go to POA to have this amazing experience. A few months ago I saw a conference called JSday and...

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