
169 posts
A bird's eye view on API development

A bird's eye view on API development

So an API, that’s just output of some JSON code right? No problem, my framework does that automatically. Or if you just want an overview on some best practices, conventions and nifty ways people have done stuff before, this post has you covered. We won’t go in much...

Introduction to domain driven design

Introduction to domain driven design

As applications grow bigger and bigger, our codebase needs to accommodate for more and more business actions. After a while you will have code that impacts a large amount of business actions without knowing exactly what they are. Changes to that code become more and more stressful. We had long...

Concurrent HTTP requests without opening too many connections

Concurrent HTTP requests without opening too many connections

I’ve been performing a talk on PSR-7 at PHP meetups and conferences. In that talk I demo the use of Guzzle to perform concurrent HTTP requests. Now what happens if you need to perform a large number of concurrent requests? If you don’t control the number of requests...

How to build faceted search with facet counters using Elasticsearch

How to build faceted search with facet counters using Elasticsearch

We all know them, search pages which allow you to filter through vast data sets by checking or unchecking filters. In most cases each filter is followed by a counter which indicates how many results will be shown when you apply that filter. Those counters inform the user about their...

Commands, events, global functions and testing

Commands, events, global functions and testing

The other day I was listening to the FullStackRadio episode 34 which is about dealing with dependencies in Active Record models. This is a very interesting topic and they suggest a few solutions for it. I liked the suggestions and I tried to implement it differently (first try and second...

Otto: First Impressions

Otto: First Impressions

A new tool called Otto came out recently. It’s a tool from Hashicorp. At the project homepage we can see the headline “meet the successor to Vagrant”. I know most of you are familiarized with Vagrant, but for those that are not: Vagrant is a tool to manage virtual...

Thread carefully

Thread carefully

As far as I can remember, PHP has always had a terrible reputation at handling very heavy (or asynchronous) tasks. For a long while if you wanted to parallelize long tasks you had to resort to forking through pcntl_fork which had its own issues, and you couldn’t really...

Set Blackfire to the rain

Set Blackfire to the rain

If you’ve ever worked on any PHP application, or package, or anything you know that debugging performance issues is hard. There are several ways to ease the pain a little: debug bars, putting timers a bit everywhere. Or if you’re courageous like I was for a long time,...

Managing data flow on the client-side

Managing data flow on the client-side

I like to think of client-side applications as empty shells that get populated with data and where the source of that data can be anything: an object in your javascript code, an HTTP request, a JSON file, … Making sure this data flows correctly through your application is one hell of...

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