
169 posts
Kubernetes 101 - explaining the basics while running a Laravel application with Redis and MySQL.

Kubernetes 101 - explaining the basics while running a Laravel application with Redis and MySQL.

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, seems to be getting quite some attention these days in the container orchestration world. It even got some attention from Docker Inc. itself a while back, despite the fact that they have their own container management tool called Docker Swarm (and it’s as good...

Firebase and Redux Saga can be friends

Firebase and Redux Saga can be friends

What’s this Firebase thingy? You might have heard about Firebase, a real-time database that stores data as JSON object and was acquired by Google in October of 2014 and became a unified platform for mobile apps.  This article will tell you a bit more on how to move Firebase...

Refactoring towards testability

Refactoring towards testability

When working on a legacy codebase, you often have to make changes in code you don’t fully understand. When this code is not tested, you’re never sure that it will still work after adapting it. And will it have unexpected effects on other parts of the codebase? As...

Running Kibana with Sense

Running Kibana with Sense

Lately we have been missing the Sense Chrome extension, basically because of the autocompletes when we are writing some Elasticsearch queries, or debugging something. It got blocked on Chrome due to a malware issue. In that post, they mention Kibana has a console with the same functionality that we were...

Avoiding Conditionals, an example

Avoiding Conditionals, an example

I didn’t like the code I wrote for a particular feature. It was “notify users when someone comments in a discussion” with these requirements: * Notify discussion author, if not the comment creator * Notify users assigned to the parent model that is associated with the discussion, except: * the discussion author...

How to integrate your Laravel app with Elasticsearch - 2017 edition

How to integrate your Laravel app with Elasticsearch - 2017 edition

This article is an update (2017) of the How to Integrate your Laravel app with Elasticsearch original article from 2015. There is also an updated version of this post (2022): How to Integrate your Laravel app with Elasticsearch – 2022 edition Searching is an important part of many applications, and it...

PHP UK Conference 2017

PHP UK Conference 2017

Frederick and I (Hannes) went to PHP UK last week! I was invited to speak again, for the second year in a row. After attending in 2015, this was my third time that I attended this conference. Here’s our recap of this year’s event: Speakers dinner and pre-conference...

Basic understanding of text search in elasticsearch

Basic understanding of text search in elasticsearch

Elasticsearch gets a lot of its power from how it works with analyzers and inverted indices. These inverted indices store your text data in a format optimized for search and allow for very fast lookups, yielding fast search results. Not understanding how these inverted indices are being used in text...

PHP Conference Brasil 2016

PHP Conference Brasil 2016

Last week I attended the PHP Conference Brasil for the first time. It was awesome and I’m going to try to cover some of the best parts of it (IMHO) here. Before we start, it’s worth saying that they named the conference rooms after well known community members...

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