Sometimes, the most minor details can make the most significant impact. As an established company based in Belgium, we have always embraced our domain name, despite our global reach. It was familiar and made sense to us. We never thought twice about it until a moment at our annual retreat.

During one of the group discussions on diversity, a Canadian team member, who had been with us for a while, shared a story. They admitted that they had initially hesitated to apply to our company, feeling unsure about the domain. In fact, they had to look up which country the TLD belonged to. This revelation caught us off guard. It did not immediately trigger us to take action. But after a few weeks, we knew we needed to make a change.

Realizing the importance of small details for diversity and inclusion, we embarked on a mission to acquire the domain. It was a challenging job. I have been reaching out to the owner since the inception of our company. After about four months of persistence, negotiations, and back-and-forth discussions with the owner, we finally managed to secure it. The price tag was a tough pill to swallow, but we knew it was a small price to pay for the opportunity to connect more seamlessly with our international audience.

Our key takeaway from this experience was that even seemingly minor details, such as a domain name, can significantly impact diversity and inclusion. By switching to the more universally recognized TLD, we demonstrated our commitment to creating a more inclusive environment for our team members and clients.

As we continue to grow and learn, we will always remember the valuable lesson shared by our Canadian team member during that annual retreat discussion. The relentless pursuit of our domain name has taught us to pay attention to the small details, as they can play a crucial role in fostering a diverse and inclusive atmosphere within our company.