Audits and due diligence

13 posts
The Ultimate Startup Due Diligence Checklist for Investments - 2024

The Ultimate Startup Due Diligence Checklist for Investments - 2024

What is due diligence or a technical audit The goal of due diligence is simple: figure out the hidden secrets of the target company that may hurt its value or even kill the deal. But that’s a massive challenge. For investments into technical companies, there is an added challenge....

The first days as a firefighting CTO — what to focus on when you are hired to lead a team in times of change

The first days as a firefighting CTO — what to focus on when you are hired to lead a team in times of change

At madewithlove, we join teams when things aren’t so stable. Maybe a key non-replaceable employee has left or a new investment is fueling growth. I join these companies as a CTO ad interim, someone to captain the ship through troubled waters. It’s hard at times since I’m...

Why tech startups fail - based on auditing 50+ SaaS startups

Why tech startups fail - based on auditing 50+ SaaS startups

I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic that 9 out of 10 startups fail. How can you win against such odds? Is there a secret startup handbook to read or an investment due diligence checklist to follow? Madewithlove has audited over 50 companies, usually as part of an investment...

Due diligence in the age of social distancing

Due diligence in the age of social distancing

A big part of closing a new investment round is the technical due diligence report that informs all parties involved of the current state of technology and the engineering team. Usually, a contracted team arrives to interview and analyze a codebase, determine weaknesses, and create a briefing that communicates their...

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