We have tons of conferences in Brazil related to web technologies. BrazilJS is far the most incredible one, and it relies heavily on JavaScript. Yearly thousands of JavaScript enthusiasts and developers go to POA to have this amazing experience. A few months ago I saw a conference called JSday and I thought it should be good to bring this experience to other cities. The first one was held in Feira de Santana/BA. I talked with the organizer and he got very excited to see JSday going to other cities.

JSday Maceió is an immersive event focused in JavaScript and everything related to what the most used language in the world can offer.

Based on this quotation we tried to bring relevant topics to the stage and we accomplished that talking about AngularJS, Google Maps API, lots of NodeJS, Wearable JavaScript, Electron, NodeBots, Firefox OS and Ionic SDK.

We had a great line-up bringing a variety of topics. Speakers from trustworthy companies around the world like ThoughtWorks, CESAR, madewithlove like Wilson Mendes, Bruno Lima. Thadeu Luz and Felipe de Albuquerque which had a recent opportunity to speak at JSConf US and Campus Party.

At madewithlove we have a culture to support meetups, events and other activities and it was really nice to see madewithlove sponsoring JSday Maceio.


We had a pre-JSday meetup with drinks and good food for participants while we had a great time discussing JavaScript and Mobile Development with the Ionic SDK. We also launched the Ionic Alagoas Meetup with this pre-JSday.

Our first @Ionicframework Alagoas Meetup the night before #JSday ???? pic.twitter.com/Hhh7Dv9zFZ

— Juarez Filho (@juarezpaf) September 12, 2015


Wilson Mendes’ talk was all about the future of AngularJS with the upcoming 2.0 version but first he took us on a journey by talking about the beginning of AngularJS and the huge popularity of JavaScript on Github. He blew our minds with the 2.0 changes and the exciting bright future for AngularJS.

You know you can do a lot with Google Maps API and in Thulio Philipe’s talk he explained how easy it is to add Maps to your application and even how to customize its settings. It was a truly step by step how to get it working fast. To finish his talk he created a sample application using the Twitter API, Socket.io and of course Google Maps API.

We had a lot of NodeJS topics on JSday. First was Thadeu Luz’s talk showing the basics of this amazing tool, but also featuring a nice live coding session that guided the attendees to setup NodeJS locally. After that he showed off the power of NodeJS.

Bruno Lima’s talk started with a nice slide showing cute cats in a smartwatch with “Wearable JavaScript” title. He showed different ways to use JavaScript in real life to control or interact with a variety of devices, highlighted mentions goes to Cylon.js, Johnny-Five and Pebble Watch.

Electron, formerly known as Atom Shell, developed by GitHub, focuses on cross platform desktop apps with web technologies. The most powerful tool I know created with Electron is the amazing Slack Desktop app. In Filipe Falcão’s presentation he showed the basics and how to get started with this great NodeJS powered tool.

Juscyllan’s presentation brought to us to a tool called LoopBack, the Node.js API Framework. He created a mobile app using LoopBack API framework and besides that he also presented a short step by step guiede on how to consume the API using AngularJS.

Meututor is a Startup in the education field aiming to create a nice environment for students to learn about Math, Physics, Geography and more. In Khwesten Heiner’s presentation we had the opportunity to see how they built the web app. Kwesten also showed the mistakes they made and how they overpassed those to create a better solution for everyone.

Hotaviano Melo’s talk was a tale about his last 3 years working inside ZUQ, a local software development company. ZUQ focuses on urban mobility. He talked about the choices, changes, and love & hate for some JavaScript solutions.

JavaScript Robotics is a very exciting title and we didn’t expected anything less from Felipe de Albuquerque’s talk. He showed in a funny way how to bring JavaScript to the Robotics field and the crowd was perplexed when he controlled a drone with JavaScript. We also learned about the Nodebots, a term to describe the union between Hardware and JavaScript powered by NodeJS.

Marina Limeira’s talk was about Firefox OS. The talk covered Firefox OS resources for developers, APIs you can use to build your apps, and how you can speed up the development with Mozilla tools. The talk also showed how you can be part of this amazing community.

My talk was about the Ionic SDK. It was a pleasure to close JSday talking about Mobile Development using AngularJS, Cordova and the power of Ionic environment. I talked about how Ionic is empowering Web Developers with great tools and transforming them into Mobile Developers.

Most of the JSday presentations showed a step by step guide or a quick getting started to the attendees. I’m sure it woke up those who expected to learn more about JavaScript.

It was an amazing experience have so much diversity in JSday and bring education to almost 200 attendees. We hope to see another JSday coming up soon.

Thank y’all for the AMAZING #JSday experience Huge thanks to @madewithlove @Ionicframework @inovacao_cesar @rogalabs pic.twitter.com/6ZGFKyiguM

— Front in Maceió (@frontinmaceio) September 14, 2015