Hosting you can trust
It's impossible to be an expert on everything and, as technology gets more complex, the number of things your team has to juggle only increases. We recommend companies focus on the core of their business, but sometimes there are tangential domains which need attention. Does it make sense for your team to focus on these secondary problems?

Technical leadership & CTO in residence, ad hoc
Take Combell, for instance. Even though they are experts on hosting, trusted by over 150,000 businesses, they had little knowledge about React. Their back office management platform needed an upgrade and fast. Combell's engineering team needed guidance on the best practices for modern front-end development. Luckily, madewithlove had experts ready to help.
Our React expert, Geoffrey Dhuyvetters, served as an ad hoc technical lead and delivered a presentation to answer Combell's questions. Next, he guided the team as they created a Proof of Concept. This allowed their team to gain the confidence necessary to deliver a solution. Throughout the engineering work, we provided feedback and validation of the approaches, a necessary component to good products.
We had a good questions-and-answers discussion with Geoffrey willing to think out-of-the-box and advising us based on his practical knowledge of the subject.
Nick Van den Abbeele, Combell
Our workshops

Usually, we check in with clients to see how they are doing. With Combell we didn't need to do that. The team found so much value in what Geoffrey delivered, they requested another workshop. They were able to achieve their goal and today they have implemented the new technologies in two different projects.
We’re getting booked up pretty quickly, so the sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can help you…